
Gotek Flashing

Diskdrive replacement with a cheap HXC flashed Gotek

Gotek Flash procedure
Place and prepare USB
Convert real floppy to HXC image

Despite the fact all this knowledge is thoroughly described by the HXC software developer and on some fora, I quite regularly get questions about how to to this. Hopefully this page will help people out a bit. 🙂

Yamaha TX16w

How to download and write Typhoon2000 OS on a floppy-disk. Also available:

  • HXC disk image file (Typhoon2000 OS and an Empty Disk Image)
  • Youtube tutorial Typhoon2000 OS -> Floppy-Disk

Roland S50 / S550

HXC disk images available. All images have been taken from copy (non-originals). I haven’t checked if information written by previous owner is correct or complete:

Akai S2000