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Category: Synths
Ctrlr – Cooper FX – Arcades
Simple VSTi instrument, made in Ctrlr, for Cooper FX Arcades. Nice for automation purposes. Click pic to download. Unzip and place .dll file in your daw’s VST folder.
MPE on Kawai K4r
Multi-timbral synths and samplers can be played MPE-like by putting the same program/preset on all midi channels.
MPE sends each note, CC, aftertouch and pitchbend to a different midi channel.
Cubase input transformer is used for a 16ch to 8 conversion. This method gives note interference so now and then. When the MPE device sends midi on, for example, ch 2 and 10, both notes will appear on ch 2 ont the Kawai K4 side which means CC/Aftertouch/pitchbend interference.